Another Fucking Warhol Production or
Who's Afraid of Andy Warhol?
Another Fucking Warhol Production or Who's Afraid of Andy Warhol? is a 2017 American docufiction performance, which premiered as part of Lumberyard in The City June 22-24, 2017. Directed by Raja Feather Kelly, recipient of the 2016 Solange MacArthur Award for New Choreography, the performance stars Kelly and his company as themselves performing a post-ballet theatre musical that reimagines and attempts to re-create the unrecorded, deleted and lost footage from Saturday Night Live's 2015 Episode on Love and War (The Love Episode). Featuring musical guest Kanye West.
“Raja Feather Kelly explores the duality of what pop fans want from their products: to escape and to learn how to live.
The Love Episode hits high notes when the copy transcends the original, when Kelly uses imitation to drag its hetero subjects into queer forms of behavior, no better or more interesting, culture flattening in its purest Warholian sense.
A Kelly makeover isn’t a touchup, a little blush to the cheekbone; it buys out Sephora and empties the truck on your head.”
Full Music Video
Presented as part of
LUMBERYARD in the City
June 22-24, 2017
Directed by Raja Feather Kelly
Lighting Design by Tuce Yasak
Video Design by Laura Snow
Sound Design by Emily Auciello
Photography by Kate Enman
Videography by Aitor Mendilibar
Performed by Amy Gernux,
Sara Gurevich, Rachel Pritzlaff, Collin Ranf, Aaron Moses Robin, & Benjamin Wolk

The world premiere of AFWP was presented by LUMBERYARD Contemporary Performing Arts (formerly ADI) at The Kitchen where it also received production development support
AFWAP was created in part at The Yard, an artist residency and performance center dedicated to contemporary dance, theater, and related arts, as a part of the 2017 Off-ShoreCreation Residency.
This premiere was made possible by funding from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grant.