You know about the importance and possibility of Art: a moment to escape, an expansion of our mind, a product of our time—culture. Without it, we are not thinking, not feeling, not reflecting, and for me and the artists I know, we’re not being.
So we dedicate ourselves to being the creators—and we do that with and for you.
-Raja Feather Kelly, Artistic Director
All donations to the feath3r theory are tax deductible. the feath3r theory is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization under New Brooklyn Theatre of which Raja Feather Kelly serves as the Artistic Director. Please donate by clicking on the link below or writing a check payable to 'the feath3r theory'. A description of the current and upcoming projects your contribution will support is available upon request.
To donate by check, please address:
the feath3r theory
440 Prospect Avenue #2F Brooklyn NY 11215