The effort of the PRIDE MUSIC VIDEO FESTIVAL is to put money in artists hands, to respect the labor of their work, engage with a wide audience online, and celebrate queer creativity!
All June long Featuring LGBTQIAA artists from all over. 10 world premiere music videos celebrating Pride. Each weekend in June we will release new music videos along with short interviews between Raja Feather Kelly and the artist.
Videos can be seen at or you can sign up HERE to have it delivered to your inbox.
PRIDE is actually NOT a parade, it is NOT a circuit party, and it AIN’T a Carley Rae Jepsen or Beyonce secret release. PRIDE is a celebration of the culture that we make and put out into the world so that the world can celebrate us. US = The LESBIAN, GAY, BI-SEXUAL, TRANS, QUEER, QUESTIONING, INTERSEX, ASEXUAL, AND our ALLIES. So what I am getting at is that you can’t CANCEL Pride. You CAN Cancel Lana Del Rey. You cannot cancel PRIDE.
2Fik @2fikornot2fik
Alli Logout @totalwitinc
Jack Murphy @johnawa74
Maxi Canion @maxystarr
Kevin Shotwell @kevinshots
Becca Blackwell @theirishhorse
Randy Ford @randybaby11 & David Rue @davidrue212
Samanthan Nye @samantha_nye_studio & Emily Wells @emilywellsmusic
Garret Allen @garrettallenn
Peter Clough @cloughabunga
Una Aya Osato @unaosato
x @ tittyglow.jpeg
Brian Gonzalez @taxiplasm
Aaron Samuel Davis @aaronsamueldavis
Michi Ilona Osato @sisterselva + @brassburlesque
Carlo Antonio Villanueva @carloantonio
The Invisible Dog
Team Diva Real Estate
PRIDE MUSIC VIDEO FESTIVAL began with a $5000 commission meant to put money directly into the hands of Artists. This festival gives all proceeds ($500 each) to the artists. With more donations we can and will include more artist! Please donate note, your donation is tax-deductible.